
solutions to The Little Schemer(Chapter4~7)


My try:

(define +
    (lambda (n m)
        ((zeor? n)
         (add1 ( + (sub1 n) m))))))

At the beginnging, I have no solutions . Several seconds later, I noticed the hint given by book:

Hint: It uses zero ? add1 1 and sub1 1

Also, I find it is important to take $+$ just as a pure function. Finally I get the same solution with author’s


My try:

(define -
    (lambda (n m)
        ((zero? m)
         (sub1 ( - n (sub1 m) ))))))

I find $+$ define above will create chaos because of the order of n and m. When define $-$, I address it carefully.

The First Commandment

(first revision) When recurring on a list of atoms, $lat$, ask two questions about it: $(null? lat)$ and else. When recurring on a number, $n$, ask two questions about it: $(zero? n)$ and else.


It builds number by totaling all the numbers in a tup.

My try

(define addup
    (lambda (tup)
        ((null? tup)
         (+ (car tup) (addup (cdr tup)))))))

The Fourth Commandment

$(first revision)$ Always change at least one argument while recurring. It must be changed to be closer to termination. The changing argument must be tested in the termination condition: when using $cdr$, test termination with null? and when using $sub1$, test termination with $zero?$.


> (define *
    (lambda (n m)
        ((zero? m)
        ((zero? m)
         (+ n (* n (sub1 m)))))))
> (* 3 0)
> (* 0 9)
> (* 9 8)

The Fifth Commandment

When building a value with $+$, always use $0$ for the value of the terminating line, for adding $0$ does not change the value of an adition. Whe building a value with $\times$, always use 1 for the value of the terminating line, for multiplying by 1 does not change the value of a multiplication. When building a value with $cons$, always consider () for the value of the terminating line.


My try(quite long-winded)

> (define tup+
    (lambda (tup1 tup2)
        ((and(null? tup1)(null? tup2))
        ((null? tup1)
         (cons (car tup2) (tup+ tup1 (cdr tup2))))
        ((null? tup2)
         (cons (car tup1) (tup+ (cdr tup1) tup2)))
         (cons (+ (car tup1) (car tup2)) (tup+ (cdr tup1) (cdr tup2)))))))
> (tup+ tup1 tup2)
'(11 5 12 2 3 5)
> tup1
'(4 2 8 1)
> tup2
'(7 3 4 1 3 5)

author’s implemenation

(define tup+
(lambda (tup1 tup2)
((and (null? tup1) (null? tup2))
(quote ()))
((null? tup1) tup2)
((null? tup2) tup1)
( cons ( -11- ( car tup1) ( car tup2))
( cdr tup 1 ) ( cdr tup2)))))))


(define >
    (lambda (a b)
        ((zero? a)
        ((zero? b)
         (> (sub1 a) (sub1 b))))))


(define <
    (lambda (a b)
        ((zero? b)
        ((zero? a)
         (< (sub1 a) (sub1 b))))))


(define =
    (lambda (a b)
        ((or(< a b) (> a b))


My try:

> (define ^
    (lambda (a b)
        ((zero? a)
        ((zero? b)
         (* a (^ a (sub1 b)))))))
> (^ 4 2)
> (^ 1 99)
> (^ 0 344)
> (^ 3 0)
> (^ 7 1)

author’s try:

(define t1
(lambda ( n m)
((zero ? m) 1)
(else ( x n (t n (sub1 m)))))))


My try:

(define length
    (lambda (lat)
        ((null? lat)
         (add1 (length (cdr lat)))))))


My pick:

(define pick
    (lambda (n lat)
        ((= n 1)
         (car lat))
         (pick (sub1 n) (cdr lat))))))


My try

(define rempick
    (lambda (n lat)
        ((= n 1)
         (cdr lat))
         (cons (car lat) (rempick (sub1 n) (cdr lat)))))))


My try

(define no-nums
    (lambda (lat)
        ((null? lat)
        ((number? (car lat))
         (no-nums (cdr lat)))
         (cons (car lat) (no-nums (cdr lat)))))))


My try:

(define all-nums
    (lambda (lat)
        ((null? lat)
        ((number? (car lat))
         (cons (car lat) (all-nums (cdr lat))))
         (all-nums (cdr lat))))))


My frist try

> (define eqan?
    (lambda (a1 a2)
        ((and (number? a1) (number? a2))
         (= a1 a2))
        ((and (atom? a1) (atom? a2))
         (eq? a1 a2))
> (eqan? 4 5)
> (eqan? 'a 'b)
atom?: undefined;
cannot reference an identifier before its definition

My second try

(define eqan?
    (lambda (a1 a2)
        ((and (number? a1) (number? a2))
         (= a1 a2))
        ((or (number? a1) (number? a2))
         (eq? a1 a2)))))


My first try

(define occur
    (lambda (a lat)
        ((null? lat)
        ((eqan? a (car lat))
         (occur a (cdr lat))))))

My second try

(define occur
    (lambda (a lat)
        ((null? lat)
        ((eqan? a (car lat))
         (add1 (occur a (cdr lat))))
         (occur a (cdr lat))))))


My try:

(define one?
    (lambda (n)
        ((number? n)
         (= n 1))

author’s try(simplified version)

(define one ?
(lambda (n)
(= n 1)))


I think the codes above are wrong, author didn’t guarantee n should be number. So if n is atom, contract violation.


My try(fail $o(╥﹏╥)o$)

(define rember*
    (lambda (a l)
        ((null? l)
        ((eq? a (car l))
         (rember* a (cdr l)))
           (not (atom? l)
            (cons (cons (car (car (rember* a (cdr (car l))))) (rember* a (cdr (car l)))) (rember* a (cdr l)))))))))

author"s codes

(define rember*
    (lambda (a l)
        ((null? l)
        ((atom? (car l))
           ((eq? a (car l))
            (rember* a (cdr l)))
            (cons (car l) (rember* a (cdr l))))))
         (cons (rember* a (car l)) (rember* a (cdr l)))))))

My mistake is that I did not think of the use of eq? a (car l). I used sq? a l, so the argument must be dived into atom and list. However, cdr has guarantee l is a list, so eq? a (car l) is perfect.


##My try:

(define insert*
    (lambda (new old l)
        ((null? l)
        ((atom? (car l))
           ((eq? old (car l))
            (cons (car l) (cons new (insert* new old (cdr l)))))
            (cons (car l) (insert* new old (cdr l))))))
         (cons (insert* new old (car l)(insert* new old (cdr l))))))))

The First Commandment

$final version$ When recurring on a list of atoms, lat, ask two questions about it: (null? lat) and else. When recurring on a number, n, ask two two questions about it: (zero? n) and else. When recurring on list of S-expressions, l, ask three question about it: $(null? l), (atoms? (car l))$, and else.

The Fourth Commandment

$final version$ Always change at least one argument while recurring. When recurring on a list of atoms, $lat$, use $cdr lat$. When recurring on a number, $n$ use (sub1 n). And when recurring on a list of S-expressions, $l$ use (car l) and (cdr l) if neither $(nul? l)$ nor $(atom? (car l))$ are true. It must be changed to be closer to termination. The changing argument must be tested in the termination condition: when using $cdr$, test termination with $null?$ and when using $sub1$, test termination with $zero?$.


My try:

(define occur*
    (lambda (a l)
        ((null? l)
        ((atom? (car l))
           ((eq? a (car l))
            (add1 (occur* a (cdr l))))
            (occur* a (cdr l)))))
         (+ (occur* a (car l))(occur* a (cdr l)))))))


My try:

(define subst*
    (lambda (new old l)
        ((null? l)
        ((atom? (car l))
           ((eq? old (car l))
            (cons new (subst* new old (cdr l))))
            (cons (car l) (subst* new old (cdr l))))))
         (cons (subst* new old (car l)) (subst* new old (cdr l)))))))


My try:

(define insertL*
    (lambda (new old l)
        ((null? l)
         ((atom?(car l))
             ((eq? old (car l))
               (cons new (cons (car l) (insertL* new old (cdr l)))))
               (cons (car l) (insertL* new old (cdr l))))))
          (cons (insertL* new old (car l))(insertL* new old (cdr l)))))))


My try:

(define member*
    (lambda (a l)
        ((null? l)
        ((atom? (car l))
           ((eq? a (car l))
            (member* a (cdr l)))))
         (or (member* a (car l))(member* a (cdr l)))))))


My try:

(define leftmost*
    (lambda (l)
        ((atom? (car l))
         (car l))
         (leftmost (car l))))))


My try:

(define eqlist?
    (lambda (l1 l2)
        ((and (null? l1) (null? l2))
        ((and (atom? (car l1)) (atom? (car l2)))
         (and (eq? (car l1) (car l2)) (eqlist? (cdr l1) (cdr l2))))
         (and (eqlist? (car l1) (car l2)) (eqlist? (cdr l1) (cdr l2)))))))

author’s codes(a little complex $-$)

(define eqlist?
(lambda ( l1 l2)
((and ( null? l1 ) ( null? l2)) #t)
((and (null? l1 ) ( atom? (car l2)))
((null? l1) #f)
((and ( atom? ( car l1)) (null? l2))
((and ( atom? ( car l1 ))
( atom? ( car l2)))
(and ( eqan ? ( car l1 ) (car l2))
( eqlist? ( cdr l1 ) ( cdr l2))))
(( atom? ( car l1)) #f)
((null? l2) #f)
(( atom? ( car l2)) #f)
(and ( eqlist? ( car l1 ) ( car l2))
( eqlist? ( cdr l1 ) ( cdr l2)))))))

author’s codes(simplify)

(define eqlist ?
(lambda (l1 12)
((and (null? 11 ) (null? 12)) #t )
((or ( null? 11 ) (null? 12)) #f)
((and ( atom? ( car l1))
( atom? (car 12)))
(and (eqan? (car 11 ) (car 12))
( eqlist? (cdr 11) (cdr 12))))
((or ( atom? ( car l1 ))
( atom? (car 12)))
(and (eqlist? (car 11 ) (car 12))
(eqlist? (cdr 11 ) ( cdr l2)))))))

The Sixth Commandment

Simplify only after the functuion is correct.

Then author simplify various functions……but I used to imply these optimization


To speak honestly, I’m not familiar with $(quote +)$ and $(quote \times)$. In that case

My try(fail $o(╥﹏╥)o$)

(define numbered?
    (lambda (aexp)
        ((atom? (car aexp))
         (and (or (eq? (car aexp) '+) (eq? (car aexp) '*) (eq? (car aexp) '^) (number? (car aexp))) (numbered? (cdr aexp)))))))

author’s codes(jdon’t know aexp is an arithmetic expression)

(define numbered?
(lambda ( aexp)
((atom? aexp) (number? aexp))
((eq? ( car ( cdr aexp)) (quote +))
(and (numbered? ( car aexp))
( car ( cdr ( cdr aexp))))))
((eq? ( car ( cdr aexp)) (quote x ))
(and (numbered? ( car aexp))
( car ( cdr ( cdr aexp))))))
((eq? ( car ( cdr aexp)) (quote t))
(and (numbered? ( car aexp))
( car ( cdr ( cdr aexp)))))))))

author’s codes(already know aexp is arithmetic expression)

(define numbered ?
(lambda ( aexp)
(( atom? aexp) (number? aexp))
(and (numbered? ( car aexp))
(numbered ?
( car ( cdr ( cdr aexp)))))))))

The Seventh Commandment

Recur on the $subparts that are of the same nature$:

  • On the sublists of a list
  • On the subexpressions of an arithmetic expression.


author’s codes(in-order)

(define value
(lambda ( nexp)
( ( atom? nexp) nexp)
((eq? ( car nexp) (quote +))
( -11- (value ( cdr nexp))
( value ( cdr (cdr nexp)))))
(( eq? ( car nexp) (quote x ))
( x (value ( cdr nexp))
( value ( cdr (cdr nexp)))))
(t (value ( cdr nexp ))
( value ( cdr (cdr nexp))))))))

author’s codes(pre-order)

(define value
(lambda ( nexp)
( ( atom? nexp) nexp)
( ( eq? ( operator nexp) (quote +))
( + (value (1 st-sub-exp nexp))
(value ( 2nd-sub-exp nexp))))
( ( eq? ( operator nexp) (quote x ))
( x (value (1 st-sub-exp nexp))
(value ( 2nd-sub-exp nexp))))
( t (value ( 1st-sub-exp nexp))
(value ( 2nd-sub-exp nexp)))))))

The Eighh Commandment

Use help functions to abstract from representations.


My try:

(define set?
    (lambda (lat)
        ((null? lat)
        ((member? ((car lat) (cdr lat)))
         (set? (cdr lat))))))


My try:

(define makeset
    (lambda (lat)
        ((null? lat)
        ((member? (car lat) (cdr lat))
         (makeset (cdr lat)))
         (cons (car lat) (makeset (cdr lat)))))))

author’s version(multirember )

(define makeset
(lambda ( lat)
((null? lat) (quote ()))
(else ( cons ( car lat)
( multirember ( car lat)
( cdr lat))))))))


My try:

(define subset? (lambda (set1 set2) (cond ((null? set1) #t) ((member? (car set1) set2) (subset? (cdr set1) set2)) (else #f))))

## author's codes($and$)
(define subset?
(lambda (set1 set2)
( ( null? set1) #t )
(and (member? ( car set1) set2)
(subset? ( cdr set1 ) set2))))))


My try:

(define eqset?
    (lambda (set1 set2)
        ((null? set1)
         (and (subset? set2 set1) (subset? set2 subset1))))))


My try:

(define intersect?
    (lambda (set1 set2)
        ((null? set1)
         (or (memset? (car set1) set2) (intersect? (cdr set1) set2))))))


My try:

(define union
    (lambda (set1 set2)
        ((null? set1)
        ((member? (car set1) set2)
         (union (cdr set1) set2))
         (cons (car set1) (union (cdr set1) set2))))))


My try:((fail $o(╥﹏╥)o$))

(define intersectall
   (lambda (l-set)
       ((null? (car (car l-set)))
       ((and (member? (car (car l-set)) (car car ((cdr l-set)))))
        (cons (car (car l-set)) (intersectall (cons (cdr (car l-set)) (cdr l-set))))
        (intersectall (cons (cdr (car l-set)) (cdr l-set))))))))

author’s codes

(define intersectall
(lambda ( l-set)
( (null? ( cdr l-set)) ( car l-set))
(else (intersect ( car l-set)
( intersectall ( cdr l-set)))))))


My try: (simplify)

> (define a-pair?
    (lambda (x)
      (and (not (null? (cdr x)))(null? (cdr (cdr x))))))
> (a-pair? '(f))
> (a-pair? '(a s))
> (a-pair? '((df d (w))x))
> (a-pair? '((2)(pair)))

author’s codes

(define a-pair?
(lambda (x)
((atom? x) #f)
(( null? x) #f)
(( null? ( cdr x)) #f)
(( null? ( cdr ( cdr x))) #t )
(else #f ))) )


author’s codes:

(define revrel
(lambda ( rel)
((null? rel) (quote ()))
(else ( cons ( build
(second ( car rel))
(first ( car rel)))
( revrel ( cdr rel)))))))